Before I can treat your dog I will need to obtain veterinary consent. Northants Canine Massage Therapy Clinic acknowledges the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and Exemption Order 2015 by never treating a dog without this consent.

A typical treatment
Canine massage therapy is totally results driven, aiming to improve your dog in 1 to 3 treatments, 1 session per week over a course of 3 weeks for the best results.
Following 3 sessions I will write a report to send to your vet to make them aware of the issues found. In the unlikely event that there is no improvement after 3 sessions I will not continue to massage, referring you back to your vet for further investigation.
Initial consultation costs £40, lasts approximately 1½ hours and will include:
- Gait Analysis
- Posture Analysis
- Initial Palpation
- Full consultation – Medical history, lifestyle etc
- Discussion regarding expectations of treatment
- 45 mins to 1 hour Massage treatment
- Feedback to owner
Follow up consultations last approximately 60 mins and costs £40.
You can download a Veterinary Consent Form here.
Cost of Treatment
Initial session & follow up sessions £40